Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Story of the Week T2, W5

In your group dicuss these questions. Write your answer as a comment below.
Remember to put your first names!

1) Give the story a rating and write your reason WHY you gave it that rating.
2) Explain why Harry buried the scrubbing brush in the backyard. Tell how Harry got so dirty.
3) Explain about the strange dog in the backyard.


  1. Hi room 9,

    we give it 8/10 because we couldn't hear it and Cameron has already seen it before .He didn't like baths . It was Harry.

    From Cameron ,Brenna and Charlotte

  2. we give this story a rating of 8/10 .
    Harry the dog buried the brush because he din,t like baths .
    The strage dog was Harry.
    We gave the 8/10 of ten because it was intresting .. By Jesst Annas
    Bianca angus mitchell
